Usability Testing

Testing is a phenomenal activity which ensures the product or a service is resulted up to the mark of its appropriate needs. Salzer addresses the importance of testing thereby comprehensively equalizes the needs and expectations of the end user perfectly.
We inject the perfect volume of testing procedures to make sure the stability of the product could be strong enough with the operability factors.

usability testing architecture

For every project, we follow an extensible range of research and select the appropriate testing methodology which matches with the coding behavior of the project.
Our testing phase includes the following testing methodology to evaluate the performance and nature of the project. Here we have both the formative and summative assessment over the projects that we handle.

Brand perception testing

First and foremost is the branding stability. We follow a strategy called branding perception testing through which the formative test cases are designed to obtain the perceived message against the brand. Our testing samples will traverse the interface and report the things which they find bit diverted from the actual perceived flow.
With the help of this testing execution, application will get more reputations and recognitions against their brands. This testing effectively analyzes the issues or defects in the interface or brands that are used. On the whole, branding perception testing communicates the message of the branding to the targeted community.

Branding perception testing covers the following aspects.
Identifies the feelings and attributes associated with a website or application.
� Mock-ups of the visual brand.
� Generally a document that asks test participants to circle the adjectives that best describe each mock-up.
� Another variation is to show test participants two screenshots. Of the two, which are more (the following adjectives are examples):
� Professional, reliable, dependable
� Cool, hip, cutting edge, state-of-the-art
� Sophisticated, polished, professional
� Warm, fuzzy, friendly
� Should be done separately from performance tests.

impact of usability testing

Closed card sort test:

This form of testing is closely related to the mental behavior of the users and it loop-up with the category creation for the items or a web page correspondingly. Here the observant are asked to segregate the given items with the appropriate groups or a category which suits more in a close sense.
We push the subject into such a form of formative testing and obtain the optimized result if the case is needed.

Expectancy testing:

Salzer theory of testing architecture not only includes the real-time testing scenario but also attempts for the imaginative form of evaluation. Here the testing will be reviewed by the test participants by getting all the possible imaginative scenarios without fail.
For instance, participants are requested to mention all the possible list of categories with the group without disclosing the actual elements to be present in it.
Expectancy testing is also a formative mode of testing, but it evaluates how good the project is matches with the expectation of the real-time users.

Some of the cases of expectancy testing as follows.
� The facilitator instructs test participants, without using the mouse, keyboard, or hand, please tell us what you think does.
� The facilitator can also ask, �What would you expect to find under each category?�
� Accept all test participants answer without indicating whether or not the answer is �correct�.

usability test methods

Eye-tracking testing:

This is another form of formative testing where we assess the probable results based on the test participant�s visibility. The functional part of the testing is done through where the focus will be bonded, how long and why not the same will be happening for some other pages or an item (if it arises).

This kind of testing is greatly helpful to determine the user�s attention and the flow of execution over the project and can adjust the focus control wherever it needed.

The primary objective of the testing is,
� What attracts and holds user�s attention?
� How long did they focus on a specific area of the screen?
� What is the order in which users looked at items on a screen?
� Evaluate what test participants scan vs. what they read.

Five second usability testing:

With the name itself defines that, Five second usability testing is a case where observant are allowed to observe the webpage or any part of the project for very short span of time (say five seconds), then need to mention what and all they observe finally, they are about to ask some logical questions to validate their recollecting skills.

This formative kind of testing helps to estimate the user�s recollecting power in a rapid period. We pay more attention to this kind of testing and obtain the optimized range of results significantly.

� Present a scenario and task to test participants.
� Show test participants the web page for only 5 seconds.
� Remove the page it by either covering it up or switching to another window.
� Ask participants to write down everything they remember about the page.
� When they finish jotting down their recollections, ask 2 or 3 useful questions to assess whether or not users accomplished the task.

Free exploratory testing:

Exploratory testing is a common form of functional testing. All we need to do is, allow the observant to go through the application and identify whatever they feel as issues.
Here the participants are not intimated with the functional part of the product. They are randomly called upon to check the page and report the irregularities appropriately.
� Observe users at work on a detailed website design or application.
� For example: �I will give you ~five minutes to freely explore this website. You may go anywhere you like on the site. Please remember to speak aloud as you do so. I will tell you when the five minutes are up.�

identify exploratory tests

Functional salience testing:

A significant summative form of testing where the participants are set to organize the sensible functions for a particular page from the given list of functional list.

This is more of a functional examination of the project with the help of the neutral, common behavior as a testing metric.
� Give test participants a list of possible functions.
� Instruct participants to only select 3 functions that are the most important to them.

Open card sort test:

Quite opposite to the closed card testing. Open card sort testing is a phase where participants are requested to arrange the items or an element with the group or a category which is more applicable to the list.

� Test participants are asked to organize a list of items into categories that make sense to them.
� Test participants actually name and describe the categories.

usability test targetting

Navigational Testing:

Navigational testing is completely dealt with the performance aspect of the web projects as how the participants are behaving for the functional interaction. Here we need to observe the behavior of the users and noted down for further resolving of issues.

� Observe and listen to test participants, as they interact with your website or application.
� Assign test participants a task with a scenario that indicate:
1=Difficult or close
� Identify potential roadblocks encountered and any perceived error corrections.

Performance Testing:

This summative testing concentrates on the organization of content, layout alignments and controls and executions.
The aim of the performance testing is not to evacuate the bugs but to eliminate the prime bottlenecks for the functionality flow.
Some of the major challenges occur in the performance testing are,
� Loading time
� Response time
� Scalability issue.
� Network utilization
� CPU utilization

usability test lifecycle

Sample on one testing:

Another form of formative performance testing. Here only one test participants is asked to engage with the project and report the things which he/she attempts to identify.
Some of the major key points of this performance testing as follows.
� A type of performance test primarily used to identify roadblocks and errors. Larry Constantine coined this type of test.
� Uses only one test participant who fits the primary persona/profile.
� Test past comfort zone.
� As with all usability tests, the facilitator must be careful to not ask leading questions or lead the test participant in any way.

Visual affordance testing:

Again the name defines that, testing can be done through visual aspect of the web projects. In this formative kind of testing, outputs are obtained from the participants where they feel to interact with the web pages (either by click or tap the pages).
Here the observant are requested to highlight the spot where they feel to touch the project in the printed form of the web projects.

UX Design Services

UI Design Services

  • Visual Design
  • RIA (Rich Internet Applications) Theming
  • HTML / CSS Development
  • W3C Validation
  • Accessibility
  • Cross Browser compatibility
  • Brand Analysis
  • Updating content / images / videos / audios / banner ads / web animation
  • Content Migration & Maintenance