Information Consulting

Experienced knowledge workers, a customer centric approach, industry tools, processes and proven technologies form the foundation of our Information Consulting Services

Salzer Technologies understands the client needs, requirements, and their organizational challenges. Salzer provides clients with services that add value to their organization. Even though we are an information technology company, we firmly believe that we deliver more than technology - we help you deliver business in the digital age. We view technology as the enabler that can improve processes, streamline workflows, clarify functionality, standardize methodologies, and most importantly improve productivity and profitability for companies of all sizes and in any market vertical. Technology, when deployed correctly can enable your business to run smoothly and efficiently. We focus on advising your business on how to best use information technology to meet your business objectives.

Salzer Information Consulting Services

Business Automation: Be efficient. Boost Productivity

As businesses grow, it is commonplace to experience setbacks and detours in meeting your strategic business goals. This is where Salzer comes in. We are uniquely qualified to assist your organization in automating common workplace activities, simplifying processes and creating workplace efficiency; so growing pains are eliminated. The ease of having integrated automation tools & processes has taken their place.

The solutions that Salzer delivers enable organizations to achieve a significant competitive business advantage in workforce productivity. They include:

  • employee intranets
  • client extranets
  • collaboration solutions
  • workflow management
  • CRM solutions


It's one thing to install a new IT system, software tool or refine processes but how do you successfully deploy it throughout the organization?

Look no further than Salzer Technologies.
Salzer is there to ensure your employees are prepared and effectively trained so you get the most out of your IT investment. We start by deploying subject matter experts who help define how to align your vision for growth with your learning strategy and then provide a roadmap of recommendations. We map your organization's learning objectives to your company's core competencies and then design a custom learning solution - one tailored to meet your goals.
Whether you're outmaneuvering the competition, expanding your business, or remaining
steady in a downturn, adapting requires constant learning.
Salzer can help you maximize the potential of your employees and IT tools.
